Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey Everybody!

The project is still on the go and going strong, but right now in the midst of exams and writing papers and more shenaniganizing than usual, i am VERY SLOW on the issue of updates.  I've got all the pictures ready to go, but finding the time to upload them is another issue altogether.  They'll be up soon, i promise!

-kyla <3

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 34: November 26

The Wacky 80's Photo Rally was definitely a success!!
I was once again reminded that i have THE coolest and best small group on the face of the earth, and that the 80's must have been a great era, regardless of what Bob said! :)

Photo credit goes to Ms. Heather Horton on this one!  Way to be ladies! You are all fantastic! 
-kyla <3

Day 33: November 25

Happy 10th Birthday Edson! <3
-kyla <3

Day 32: November 24

Today was a good day!
School was okay, as always.
Worship practice was grand! And worship went very well too, as always (except for that one day that we don't speak of).
Youth was super fantastic, as always.
And oh yeah, garbage bagging down a hill was okay to, as always.

Here's the gang bidding an enthusiastic "oh-HEEEEEYYYYY-there" to the city of vernon from atop suicide hill. What a good night.
-kyla <3

Day 31: November 23

Today's shot was one taken at UBC-O again.  Just some plain bricks with some dead leaves growing on them.  If i had taken this shot and the snow had not been there, i think it would be ugly.  Snow makes everything look pretty though!  One reason I can't really hate winter... as hard as i try!

-kyla <3

Day 30: November 22

Day 29 is coming, but I am just awaiting a picture from somebody else's camera for that one. So moving onwards!

How things change with the seasons!  I took this same picture earlier this year when the colours of fall dominated the scene.  The wintery white calmness of this shot completely changes it!
-kyla <3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 28: November 20

It was a pretty decent movie! :)  And me and Julia are really excited in this terrible quality cell phone picture!
Attack of the creepy red eye...
-kyla <3