Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 8: October 31

Day 8 has been a good day so far.  I went to church and played with babies in the toddlers' room!  Babies are soooo cute!  Then Hoolia, Brandon and I went to Future Shop and Va-loo-Vil-ahge.  These pretty ankle boots were a steal, and so fun too!  Obviously, a photoshoot across the street from my house was in order!

-kyla <3

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 7: October 30

So, we're back to the artsy type photos because apparently my skype picture was a bit of a let down. :)
A nice walk with Mum down to the library let me capture this pretty picture of the beauty of the fall season.  It makes me think back to the good old days when Melissa and I load our hats and pockets and fists with fallen chestnuts whenever we went anywhere, but I remember being not too far from where this shot was taken and filling up our little red wagon with chestnuts, then gleefully pulling the thing home, so proud of our spoils...  Fall brings back all kinds of good childhood memories!

-kyla <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 6: October 29

Hello Everybody! :)
 So here is today's lovely shot taken by none other than.. self timer!  A good night at youth turned into a fun night hanging out by Marnie's car in the parking lot.  I will always remember this as the first time i drank a Booster Juice (okay, second but the first time was so long ago and they put Flinstone vitamins in it and those were GROSS!).  I know, i know, I am very ashamed to have drank a Booster Juice, but Marnie bought it for me and i couldn't say no! :)

-kyla <3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 5: October 28

Hello everybody!
So it is now day 5 and here is my picture of the day.  This one is called "Meaningful Skype With Kevin or Awesomeness".
While babysitting for the vanTols, i had a great skype chat with Kevin.. while borrowing Bob's laptop since i didn't know his wireless password :)  Thanks, Bob!
It was a good chat in which many things were discussed.  Kevin Deane, COME VISIT ME FOR REAL.

-kyla <3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 4: "Thank you for blessing us with Burger Buck Day..."

So here we are at Day 4, October 27th.  Usually that would go in the title, but today, the title had to be what it is.  Danika, you make me smile a lot! :)
Wednesdays are always good days. ALWAYS.  This is not my whole small group, but these are just a few of the amazing ladies who make coming to youth group even more fun than it usually is!
Now I know this pic is a wee bit blurry and it's definitely not my best "photography" but i think it captures what i really wanted to capture, which is the essence of my small group and for me, that is what this project is really about.  Not about having the prettiest pictures, or about being the most avid photographer, but about capturing one really awesome and exciting element of my day and sharing it with everybody.  

Now aren't we all glad is burger buck day?!!

-kyla <3

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 3: October 25

Tuesdays can pretty much be summed up with three little letters, encompassed in today's picture: U B and C.
Tuesdays, I have 5 and half hours of class, including an English Tutorial, Psychology, Math and Biology. As much as I detest sitting on my butt all day in class, I am constantly reminded of the beauty of the Okanagan valley, just walking from class to class!  I <3 my Okanagan!

-kyla <3

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 2 - October 25

So here it is, my photo for day 2 of 365 entitled: Portrait of The Photographer's Friend's Stuffed Rabbit and Bear.  Flows off the tongue quite nicely, doesn't it? :)
These two are obviously best friends, like me and Hooolia, (she says she's the rabbit) and they have enjoyed many good times and long, emotional talks in Julia's room, as we have.

-kyla <3

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 1: October 24th

I am extremely pleased to announce that I was able to pick up my beautiful Nikon on Friday!  She is working like a charm and I took her out for a walk this afternoon to capture some of the gorgeous fall scenery i have been DYING to photograph for a couple weeks now!!
Fall has always been my favourite season, and i remember why just as soon as the leaves start to change colour.  But i have never been one for cold weather and when the chilly autumn air settles in the valley, it's always a little depressing.  Days like today and excursions like this short little walk around my neighbourhood have made me rediscover my love for fall!
So here it is, my first picture of Project 365!  Enjoy!

-kyla <3