Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 4: "Thank you for blessing us with Burger Buck Day..."

So here we are at Day 4, October 27th.  Usually that would go in the title, but today, the title had to be what it is.  Danika, you make me smile a lot! :)
Wednesdays are always good days. ALWAYS.  This is not my whole small group, but these are just a few of the amazing ladies who make coming to youth group even more fun than it usually is!
Now I know this pic is a wee bit blurry and it's definitely not my best "photography" but i think it captures what i really wanted to capture, which is the essence of my small group and for me, that is what this project is really about.  Not about having the prettiest pictures, or about being the most avid photographer, but about capturing one really awesome and exciting element of my day and sharing it with everybody.  

Now aren't we all glad is burger buck day?!!

-kyla <3

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