Friday, December 3, 2010


Hey Everybody!

The project is still on the go and going strong, but right now in the midst of exams and writing papers and more shenaniganizing than usual, i am VERY SLOW on the issue of updates.  I've got all the pictures ready to go, but finding the time to upload them is another issue altogether.  They'll be up soon, i promise!

-kyla <3

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 34: November 26

The Wacky 80's Photo Rally was definitely a success!!
I was once again reminded that i have THE coolest and best small group on the face of the earth, and that the 80's must have been a great era, regardless of what Bob said! :)

Photo credit goes to Ms. Heather Horton on this one!  Way to be ladies! You are all fantastic! 
-kyla <3

Day 33: November 25

Happy 10th Birthday Edson! <3
-kyla <3

Day 32: November 24

Today was a good day!
School was okay, as always.
Worship practice was grand! And worship went very well too, as always (except for that one day that we don't speak of).
Youth was super fantastic, as always.
And oh yeah, garbage bagging down a hill was okay to, as always.

Here's the gang bidding an enthusiastic "oh-HEEEEEYYYYY-there" to the city of vernon from atop suicide hill. What a good night.
-kyla <3

Day 31: November 23

Today's shot was one taken at UBC-O again.  Just some plain bricks with some dead leaves growing on them.  If i had taken this shot and the snow had not been there, i think it would be ugly.  Snow makes everything look pretty though!  One reason I can't really hate winter... as hard as i try!

-kyla <3

Day 30: November 22

Day 29 is coming, but I am just awaiting a picture from somebody else's camera for that one. So moving onwards!

How things change with the seasons!  I took this same picture earlier this year when the colours of fall dominated the scene.  The wintery white calmness of this shot completely changes it!
-kyla <3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Day 28: November 20

It was a pretty decent movie! :)  And me and Julia are really excited in this terrible quality cell phone picture!
Attack of the creepy red eye...
-kyla <3

Day 27: November 19

Friday brought the opportunity to head off to Kamloops for a youth event!  Unfortunately, the turnout was lame, but the bands were good!
These intense head-banger guys were pretty funny! 

-kyla <3

Day 26: November 18

Of course, the first snow of the year is automatically the picture of the day.  Here is my backyard after a day of snow!  It has scarcely stopped snowing since and as much as i am not a fan of the cold, the snow is BEAUTIFUL!
-kyla <3


Day 25: November 17th
We discovered that whenever I am telling a story about someone greeting someone else (kind of sarcastically) the "Oh HEEEEYYYYY There!" stance is assumed.  This little beaut captures Julia and Dylan manning 24/7-11 and greeting me with THE most enthusiastic sarcasm i have ever seen.
I applaud you two! :)
-kyla <3

Day 24: November 16

All this talk of SilverStar made me think of this picture that I took there this summer on an awesome day with Julia, Liz and Dave!  We rode the green chair to the top, found some snow there, took a bunch of jumping pictures, tried to jump over random things (if you are Dave) and then, the icing on the cake was the building of the inukshuk! :)
This shot is Jules' camera that was in place for some sweeet self timer shots with the inukshuk!
-kyla <3

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 23: November 15

Here is the final element in the set of awesome sweaters! (Oh, Math 160, your set language has served me well!)

That's all for now!

-kyla <3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 22: November 14

Part 2 of the sweater series is here!
This sweater was a lucky find last year at a thrift store and warm as she may be, she is ITCHY! I would love to wear this one more, but I have to find something with a high neck, so it won't scratch my neck!
I'm loving the buttons.
-kyla <3

Day 21: November 13

This will be a short 3-part series entitled "Really Wonderful Sweaters I Own and Wish I Wore More".

Take one.

I acquired this little beauty from my dearest Julia Baby who was going to make it into a pillow, but I salvaged it!  It is my kindergarten teacher sweater and I love it dearly!
I will wear this sweater when I am a kindergarten teacher!  It has bumble bees on for crying out loud!!! It would have made a cute pillow, but it makes an even better sweater to wear while teaching 5 year olds how to read!
-kyla <3

Day 20: November 12

So this is a picture I took on Thursday at THE FORT, which is actually no longer a fort.. but we had a fire there anyways and when everybody else left, this is Dan's shoes near the embers on which they dumped water from a chip bag. A day well spent...

-kyla <3

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 19: November 11

Lest we forget..
Today was a good, fun day.  It started off rather lame, since i knew i was not leaving for Kamloops today and I really wanted to, and getting up at 6 and then waiting for Matt to come pick me up around 6:40 (which didn't happen until 9...)  Yeah that was a good time.  But, i did get to witness a gorgeous sunrise just outside my front window!
-kyla <3

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 18: November 10

This one is going to be a chilly one though and I wouldn't get through cold winters without my three trusty items in today's picture.
First, we've got Cocoa.  This teddy bear was given to me by the best Japanese student one could ever ask to have stay at your house named Sachie when I was about 6.  Then, of course, the good old hot water bottle to keep my toes at the perfect temperature!  These things stay warm all the way until morning people!  If you don't have one, get one.  It's really an investment.  And last but certainly not least, the lovely ragtime quilt i made with my grandma a few years back.  It is so warm and cozy that I wonder how on earth i survived winters before I had this little piece of Heaven!  
I hope you'll all sleep as well as I know I will tonight!
-kyla <3

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 17: November 9

Today was the Remembrance Day Ceremony at the University that I was honoured to be a part of.  I sang O Canada (my specialty) and God Save the Queen, which was definitely not my specialty! :)  The veterans who took part in the ceremony were so pleased that i sang for them, and a fellow student told me that she thought it was an honour to be asked to sing our nation's song at such a ceremony.  I couldn't agree more!
-kyla <3

Day 16: November 8

So this picture, I actually took on October 24th, but I was reminded again yesterday of how happy and blessed I am to live in the beautiful Okanagan, more specifically, Vernon!  
Having friends return home from Saskatchewan and tell me how much they love mountains and just this valley in entirety made me think about how little i say that I LOVE LIVING HERE!  I can't even imagine living anywhere else and loving it like i love my Vernon.
-kyla <3

Day 15: November 7

Sunday was an awesome and exciting day!  Julia and I popped out to have a visit with Joanna and Lucho and of course, their beautiful daughter!  She took a while to warm up to us, but once she did it was so fun to get to talk to her and play with her and read with her!  They have a gorgeous home and are such incredibly caring people and all their advice about Julia's travels was super cool!
This was only one of the many neat shots i got that day of their property!
-kyla <3

Day 14: November 6

Saturday was the student leadership conference at the university!  It would have been great to have a picture from that, but when you pack your camera, it's a really good idea to take your MEMORY CARD too.. Just a tip.
So instead, we reverted to some more pretty fall scenery!  I swear it never gets old! :)
-kyla <3

Day 13:November 5

Hello Everyone!
No need to worry, i am still alive and blogging!  I simply got behind a wee bit so here is my catch-up!

Friday night, I sang the national anthem at the Vernon Viper's hockey game!  It was a great game (they won!), but on nights that i sing, this little trinket is my best friend.

Without my handy dandy pitch pipe, there's no telling what note i might start on and how painfully high the last note of 'O Canada' could end up being! :)
-kyla <3

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 12:November 4th

Hey Everyone!

Today's shot is of some gorgeous fall leaves at Uni!  The leaves have almost all changed colours and fallen off the trees, but the last of the ones on the trees sure are pretty! :)

-kyla <3

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 11: November 3

Hello again!
Today's picture called "Sodium Overload" captures the deliciousness that is 24/7-11 AKA The Double Rainbow Concession.
Dylan and Julia sell delicious treats for all youth with a bit of cash, one of which is popcorn!  The smell wafts all the way to the staircase and as soon as you come up the stairs, you KNOW that there is popcorn and that it will be warm and delicious!

-kyla <3

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 10: November 2

Hello Everybody!
Today I have a pretty average picture to share that comes with an amazing story!  Today, I visited a senior's home and spoke to this veteran about his experiences in World War II!  He was so talkative about his work here in Canada during the war and it was amazing to hear all the stories he had!  He worked with the radar equipment on a little island off the coast of New Brunswick for an entire year!  There were 49 of them on the island and it was so cold, the Ocean in between the island and the mainland froze over.  He shared many interesting and exciting memories with me about snowball fights on the Fourth of July, saving the lives of 6 people in a plane by spotting them on the radar and helping them land before they ran out of fuel, and his short leaves he was able to spend with his family.

We also spoke with a veteran who had been a bomber and had bombed Paris!  There were so many interesting and incredible stories shared today, I have found a renewed gratitude for the freedom we have in Canada because of brave men like the ones I met today!

-kyla <3

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 9: November 1

Phew! Just made it!  And this picture explains why i cannot write a longer entry than this:

-kyla <3

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 8: October 31

Day 8 has been a good day so far.  I went to church and played with babies in the toddlers' room!  Babies are soooo cute!  Then Hoolia, Brandon and I went to Future Shop and Va-loo-Vil-ahge.  These pretty ankle boots were a steal, and so fun too!  Obviously, a photoshoot across the street from my house was in order!

-kyla <3

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 7: October 30

So, we're back to the artsy type photos because apparently my skype picture was a bit of a let down. :)
A nice walk with Mum down to the library let me capture this pretty picture of the beauty of the fall season.  It makes me think back to the good old days when Melissa and I load our hats and pockets and fists with fallen chestnuts whenever we went anywhere, but I remember being not too far from where this shot was taken and filling up our little red wagon with chestnuts, then gleefully pulling the thing home, so proud of our spoils...  Fall brings back all kinds of good childhood memories!

-kyla <3

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 6: October 29

Hello Everybody! :)
 So here is today's lovely shot taken by none other than.. self timer!  A good night at youth turned into a fun night hanging out by Marnie's car in the parking lot.  I will always remember this as the first time i drank a Booster Juice (okay, second but the first time was so long ago and they put Flinstone vitamins in it and those were GROSS!).  I know, i know, I am very ashamed to have drank a Booster Juice, but Marnie bought it for me and i couldn't say no! :)

-kyla <3

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 5: October 28

Hello everybody!
So it is now day 5 and here is my picture of the day.  This one is called "Meaningful Skype With Kevin or Awesomeness".
While babysitting for the vanTols, i had a great skype chat with Kevin.. while borrowing Bob's laptop since i didn't know his wireless password :)  Thanks, Bob!
It was a good chat in which many things were discussed.  Kevin Deane, COME VISIT ME FOR REAL.

-kyla <3

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 4: "Thank you for blessing us with Burger Buck Day..."

So here we are at Day 4, October 27th.  Usually that would go in the title, but today, the title had to be what it is.  Danika, you make me smile a lot! :)
Wednesdays are always good days. ALWAYS.  This is not my whole small group, but these are just a few of the amazing ladies who make coming to youth group even more fun than it usually is!
Now I know this pic is a wee bit blurry and it's definitely not my best "photography" but i think it captures what i really wanted to capture, which is the essence of my small group and for me, that is what this project is really about.  Not about having the prettiest pictures, or about being the most avid photographer, but about capturing one really awesome and exciting element of my day and sharing it with everybody.  

Now aren't we all glad is burger buck day?!!

-kyla <3

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 3: October 25

Tuesdays can pretty much be summed up with three little letters, encompassed in today's picture: U B and C.
Tuesdays, I have 5 and half hours of class, including an English Tutorial, Psychology, Math and Biology. As much as I detest sitting on my butt all day in class, I am constantly reminded of the beauty of the Okanagan valley, just walking from class to class!  I <3 my Okanagan!

-kyla <3

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 2 - October 25

So here it is, my photo for day 2 of 365 entitled: Portrait of The Photographer's Friend's Stuffed Rabbit and Bear.  Flows off the tongue quite nicely, doesn't it? :)
These two are obviously best friends, like me and Hooolia, (she says she's the rabbit) and they have enjoyed many good times and long, emotional talks in Julia's room, as we have.

-kyla <3

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 1: October 24th

I am extremely pleased to announce that I was able to pick up my beautiful Nikon on Friday!  She is working like a charm and I took her out for a walk this afternoon to capture some of the gorgeous fall scenery i have been DYING to photograph for a couple weeks now!!
Fall has always been my favourite season, and i remember why just as soon as the leaves start to change colour.  But i have never been one for cold weather and when the chilly autumn air settles in the valley, it's always a little depressing.  Days like today and excursions like this short little walk around my neighbourhood have made me rediscover my love for fall!
So here it is, my first picture of Project 365!  Enjoy!

-kyla <3